Sunday, September 30, 2007
YEA YEA YEA! hahah! this is jus such an amazing experience, i mean i although told evan i was going to help out for children church, i wasnt being informed about anything then there was this time whereby aini have to go to choir dunno wad thing after service, then she asked me accompany her and i say okay. then there was the briefing, in the hall! wad a coincidence! a chance for me to help out... so i jus went to sit for the briefing. then during the week i was so busy i sleep only 3 hours average a day and have to settle some problem.... anyway, then i was totally deprived of sleep and frustrated on the inside... then the day that i have to support... i was seriously relunctant to go haha! but i know that i have alreasy agreed to help and i am not going to back out the last moment. so i drag maself there and man! i have to run around, help out as an usher, admin, where ever they need help, i have to go. so practically i was running all over the place.. then this cute kid, well, we kinna clicked !hahahah! then she was very attached to me and wanted to stick aroudn with me... then in the end, i was carrying her running! the people there agreed for her to stick around with me... haha! in the end! i tot i will faint seriously... for the first time i was totally relying on God's strength totally 100%.... then the people there. woah, din tell me the bus for us to bring us for serice was here until i saw other ppl happily bringing their bags to the bag then i realised! oh no! i practically ran like a manic back to take my bag then to bus! hahahah! made it for service and i reached jus as here in my life was playing.... then i tell you, tears jus flow out of my eyes. thank God it din fly out. i was so touched by it and after such a hectic day, i jus cant take it you know. thank pumala for leading me to my cell. hahah! i dunno where they were sitting! haha! work jus keep on piling but i was totally being stretched! totally, not jus the serving but also of handling other things make me realise that God is really doing something great in our life, and we musn't take what we have for granted. for every little thing that we have, we really dunno how God can enable those little things that we have into soemthing so great that you cannot imagine. I jus feel a lot. so much things that He have revealed to me and i am going to use it....... praise Him people.. worship Him.... if its wasnt for his strength, rest, peace, i wouldnt have even survived the week. hahah! HALLELUJAH! i jus feel that i really appreciate and thank God for friends like tricia, aini, wendy, pumala, chelsea, priya, they really are pillars that keep me from going on......yep yep. CHEERS!
{11:20 AM}
Thursday, September 27, 2007

*yawns** i feel so sleepy man! after days and days if studying and today i dun think i can sleep AH! i hate it! i mean the period whereby is so duper sleepy i feel like total wreck! i cant sleep... i feel so miserable... hahha.. but then.. i am happy too.. jus the reading makes me giddy but then i shall go on studying and enjoy solitude with God.. ahahahha!(so tired i dunno wad am i blogging)
{10:09 AM}
Wednesday, September 19, 2007

ah la la! today was so freaking busy but good yea! anyways i have this habit of talking to myself and all of sudden i realise people around me glancing at me... then i realised that i have talk a little loud for them to hear me.... oops! hahaha! it was paisei!!! but then i ask chelsea, why she have no troubles? she say to me that i made her day! isnt she sweet!!!( CHEALSEA LOOK! I AM PRAISING YOU!!) hahaha!! i jus love some of the gals there! we flow you know? hahaha! and i scored full marks for test!! oh yea yea! shake ya bom bom!! hahah! alright! back to work! Bom sha ka la ta! ADOIS!
{5:36 AM}
Tuesday, September 18, 2007

after all the studying, this is wad i become! aahaha! studying mental illness stuff for research paper and have been thinking through a lot..... then my mood totally go rock bottom again and realise that why care so much, just do my stuff, my 'duty' and then just put on a smile for that! that why i wun feel so mixed up on the inside, that why i wun feel vexed. right? sigh....
{8:07 AM}
Saturday, September 8, 2007
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Sunday, September 2, 2007
ma team mates!
kl usher guy!
kl church
my bestie in kl!
{11:51 PM}